New Features - September 2015

New Features - September 2015

Quickstream 2015.R3 is available. See Release Notes - September 2015 for the full release notes.

We're making some changes to enhance your Quickstream experience. These changes are effective from 14th September 2015. The new features include:

Weekly and monthly settlement reports

Quickstream will allow you to view a weekly settlement report1. Select the Transactions and Reports tab, then Weekly Settlement in the menu.

You may also download a CSV file listing of all transactions for a single month. If your facility uses this report2, your next report will be available on the 1st October 2015. Select the Transactions and Reports tab, then Monthly Settlement in the menu.



Updated user profile

Your user profile page updates give you a few extra options and some more information. Keep your eye out for more options in the coming months.

Change your default landing page

In Quickstream 2015.R2 we introduced the Home tab and the Dashboard. In the next version, instead of landing on this page you can now choose to see any page after you sign-in 3

Updated user interface

In Quickstream 2015.R2 we began the process of  undergoing various enhancements to the UI. The next version includes more changes to colours, fonts and spacing. We've also made many minor improvements to pages across the application. 

page notifications

Notifications will display on the Sign-In page when we need to communicate important information to you.



Improved transaction details

The transaction details pages will undergo slight transformation 4. We've grouped the details into relevant sections and added a few extra options.


Context sensitive actions

Perform relevant actions to a chosen payment right from your list of transactions 4. Hover your mouse over a row and select the icon that appears for a list of the actions you can take on that transaction.

Retry failed payments

Quickstream will allow you to retry failed payments 4. You will have the option to use the same or different account details when retrying the payment. 

Exporting transactions

Export transaction data for your facility to a CSV (comma-separated value) file. Select Export Transactions on the Transactions and Reports tab 4.


  1. Weekly settlement reports are available to users with View Settlement Reports access. 
  2. Monthly settlement reports are available to some facilities. Users must have access to Download Reports and View Settlement Reports.
  3. Available landing page options are based on your access and the products for your facility.
  4. Users with access to view transactions can see these details. Only options available to your facility products will be accessible.

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