Westpac WIBS (Qvalent) Known Host Key Change

Westpac WIBS (Qvalent) Known Host Key Change

Important Change Information for WIBS (Qvalent) SFTP Customers

As part of our initiative to conform to the new requirements issued by Payment Card Industry Security Standard Council, you are required to make changes to your WIBS service as listed in this notice to ensure uninterrupted services.

This change is impacting you since you are using a WIBS Lite or Standard SFTP solution linked to the following environments:

The SSH host keys used on the Production and Test hosts now requires a stronger RSA 2048-bit host keys instead of existing 1024bit keys.

In order to continue connecting to the service, your SSH client must be configured to expect and accept the new known host key value. If you do not take this step, your connectivity to our SFTP server will fail leading to failure in file transfer that will require manual intervention by your IT and Finance staff.

What is SFTP?

SSH File Tranfer Protocol (SFTP) is a secure file transfer protocol. Connections made using SFTP use SSH to provide secure transport for your files with Westpac.

Why is Westpac Changing It's SFTP Known Host key

The Payment Card Industry Security Standard Council has deemed that all RSA key sizes should be a minimum of 2048bits and hence Westpac is changing its SSH host Keys to RSA 2048bit host keys.

When will the known host key value change?

The change is scheduled for the following dates:

We encourage you to perform UAT testing in the Test/Support environment as soon as possible after the change to ensure compatibility with all SSH client software which connects to the WIBS SFTP service

What must I do?

Read this detailed change advice, for further information regarding this change read Further Information Regarding Westpac WIBS (Qvalent) SSH Host Key Change

Add the following known host keys to your known host file as appropriate. This can be done at any time before the cut off dates:

Hostssiw.qvalent.com (Production WIBS SFTP Server)
MD5 Fingerprint2c:07:eb:b7:cd:29:16:11:e8:c6:98:da:df:19:d0:ab
Bubble-Babble Fingerprintxerod-dovos-sahot-riron-rulam-nezen-tutot-kukig-cadis-logac-ruxex
SHA-256 Fingerprint+b2K29DWjfLS6xgfC18vEYGt2AzLvWZ3gAKQTSfIB+8
SSH Known Host Keyssiw.qvalent.com, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCUNQhGNYP0mo7fzze9iX74MUgWgBIzHLBLAODftAVyv8iSUMoRPAnYgBaPgZOXPXqTwK1cv2cqKCSxko5Zn0NTDZtKNy1/CKIEVDD4le3QnGy37e5cRu0aaKK1MMsgo6QkA/CPZ+rLgICQSkANsMcKuJ+x4m0cdHQ3DsEzODgsbcM8R9DceGjQAG58nzEd5Q53oDpwnzjS7jIoKTcH/3tygMdpJzWOQKapT/nA47cTaTDWaSmPlnR3TAnKG908Iuwfh9nXUzwzyxKY1D99iDKjMOlVjwT/83vDHCTtSLoPaSvdL5KtladgJIKYusXSbgCz6LYaQIbnSF7boPPA9Kq/

Hostssiw.support.qvalent.com (Test/Support WIBS SFTP Server)
MD5 Fingerprint6d:1c:c1:37:4c:1b:0e:40:7a:e9:42:d9:bf:7e:59:9f
Bubble-Babble Fingerprintxufop-hymyh-dukup-zunoh-micuh-zuzum-pylyg-tihap-fupyk-zerut-pixix
SHA-256 FingerprintKjxPV15ymns/rUEiOCFaZB2EmFt/FHdnNZ0zWbrsvc8
SSH Known Host Keyssiw.support.qvalent.com, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDH1R/km+Gdbtclo09swKOEFBMdstNOYfpI17aMMNPbjd10CEfghnisxLEczTpGF2pa88nDYW5/u5TJtczr3IpLfsDLMBrxlikhr5fdvwD+D6Z0NaqBNShndBGv5h7/quGiaqW7o4UwC1wkGSVUNviCUfrwrvHFqnx3e4Q3GoJBOTDKPT+L3UnjkrApZQSQg2E5QPRtPUl5iRdYWy0HfSks0GaAl9wLD/gizHC8/jRLqC+EbeoOXKnVm2NG5rWy8NmycOjiZQvIKefEzVx2IjWxxeVz6Pfn0M8pKWCgmKNz5ffv4+pIeQhY01TZtpo9r0k6bNGsBr68DqAknCr5cSCR

Identify all SFTP client instances which interact with the SFTP server and take action to prepare for this change in advance.

Refer to SFTP client software vendor documentation for change preparation steps for your SFTP client software to ensure compatibility with 2048-bit RSA keys and to load a new known host key values.

Understand and be prepared to instigate your iLink BCP solution in the event of any issues post change. This includes how to manually transfer files from your finance applications into/from iLink in the event of a SFTP client connection failure.

Further Information

Further Information regarding this change can be found at Further Information Regarding Westpac WIBS (Qvalent) SSH Host Key Change

Contact Us

Email wibs_support@qvalent.com or phone the Helpdesk team on 1300 726 370 between 8.30am to 5.30pm (AEST), Monday to Friday.


These guidelines are general in nature and have been prepared without knowledge of the specific environment in which your systems operate. These guidelines are current at the time of writing, but may require update over time. Except where contrary to law, Westpac intends by this notice, to exclude liability for these guidelines and the information contained in them. While Westpac has made every effort to ensure these guidelines are free from error, Westpac does not warrant their accuracy, adequacy or completeness.

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