Release Notes - July 2015

Release Notes - July 2015

July 2015

We're pleased to announce a new release of Quickstream in July 2015. 


Updated user interface

In Quickstream 2015.R2 we've begun the process of upgrading the UI. We've changed typefaces, upgraded our controls and the user interface has been "tidied-up". The Payments tab is now merged with the Reports tab. We've called the new tab "Transactions and Reports" 1.

Introducing the Home tab

The home is your new starting place in the application. You can view an overview of today's process on the dashboard. You cam find also find product help and documentation for your facility.

View your dashboard

The dashboard page contains the recent transactions for your facility. Past settlements and the most recent of each report you've received display on the page 2. You can use this page to get to where you want to go in Quickstream.

Finding help and product documentation

Your facility is set up to give you access to functions relevant to the solution we've helped you put in place. Find all the latest help and documentation on this page and download as a PDF.

Improved transaction searching

Quickstream now has more ways to find that transaction you're searching for:

Recent Transactions

To see a list of your last 20 transactions:

1. Select the Transactions and Reports tab

2. Select Recent Transactions

Find or Refund a Transaction

The Search Transactions page has changed to Find or Refund a Transaction 3 in the menu. We've also created new ways to perform searches and improve performance. 

In November 2015, we will decommission the older transaction search pages. But you can switch between using the new or old transaction search screens in the meantime. 

 Show old transaction screen notification


Review Suspended Transactions

If you have FraudGuard 4, you'll find an updated screen called Review Suspended Transactions. You can search for and take action on suspended transactions.

Additional reporting

Settlement reports

For credit card and bank account payments you can view a daily summary of your transactions. The summary groups by merchant or Direct Entry facility. These reports get updated each night on bankings days for the previous banking day. 

Improved report searching

The Daily, Weekly and Monthly report options are now available on the All Facility Reports page 5. We've also tuned the performance of these pages, and added more ways to search for your reports. The report results are now grouped by day, week or monthly - depending on the type of report you're looking for.  And you can download them in their raw format, or zipped. 

Retired Internet Explorer 6 and 7 support

Support has ended for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and 7. This means security patches are no longer released by its owner for these browsers.

Leading up to this release we added a notification to let users know that after 19th July 2015 those user would not longer be able to sign in to Quickstream until they upgraded to a supported browser. As of this release, users of Internet Explorer 6 and 7 will need to upgrade to a newer version of Internet Explorer, or change to another browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

 See browser support notice

To make sure you have the latest version of Internet Explorer for your operating system, you can visit the following links on the Microsoft website. 

  1. If you only have access to Transactions, your tab will say "Transactions". Likewise, if you only have access to Reports your tab reads "Reports".
  2. The features on your dashboard show only functions that your administrator has given you. For example: you may not see the reports section if you do not have "Download Reports" access. If you do not have access to any of the features on the dashboard, you will instead see the Help & Documentation page after sign-in.
  3. This feature is available to users with transaction searching access. If you do not have access to refund a transaction, your menu item reads "Find a Transaction".
  4. FraudGuard is a separate product offering. The Review Suspended Transactions page will not be available if your facility does not have FraudGuard.
  5. Available to users with "Download Reports" access. Your facility may not have all report types if they are not applicable to your solution.