Release Notes - March 2017

Release Notes - March 2017

March 2016

We are pleased to announce the release of Quickstream in March 2017.


QuickWeb Recurring Payment Management

QuickWeb Recurring Payment Management gives your customers the ability to manage their own recurring debits.

A full set of features is available by default, including:

Starting/Stopping payments

Changing a payment account

Changing some aspects of their schedules, including frequency.

Find out more.

Fraud Guard

Fraud Guard is an extra product feature performs further checks on internet transactions. These checks involve looking at whitelists and blacklists, your customers' IP address and your merchant payment history. Integrate Fraud Guard into QuickWebQuickConnect and QuickGateway.

Fraud Guard suspends a transaction if it is deemed suspicious. After further investigation, you may choose to complete or cancel a transaction.

Find out more.

Documentation and Developers Hub

The latest documentation and developer resources are available at


Manage Batch Payments

Use QuickPortal to manage batch payments. QuickBatch files can be uploaded in QuickPortal or via WIBS.

Check the status of your batch files and drill down into credit card and bank account transaction details.